A compelling list. Here’s the rub: women are not programmed to fight for themselves let alone each other. Systemic change, not sentimentality, that gets to the heart of the problem is the only way forward.
There's a good interview on the Literary Friction podcast episode called "Pain," with Sinéad Gleeson, who talks through some of these items though in the Irish context, which feels global.
I saw an exhibit on this in Europe this summer and I was *surprised?* to see that these rights had been granted to women dozens if not a hundred years earlier in less *progressive* countries.
Not sure if it was state or federal law, but there were certain hours that women weren’t allowed to work, at least in South Carolina, thus effectively excluding them from certain jobs.
If you are 54 - or older - every single "historic" moment here happened during your lifetime.
Definitely using this is my intro. to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality course this coming spring. Happy New Year!
A compelling list. Here’s the rub: women are not programmed to fight for themselves let alone each other. Systemic change, not sentimentality, that gets to the heart of the problem is the only way forward.
This whole place and culture needs a reboot-with fire…
Happy New Year Aubrey, you are a treasure. Thank you for your work x
Thanks for this.
There's a good interview on the Literary Friction podcast episode called "Pain," with Sinéad Gleeson, who talks through some of these items though in the Irish context, which feels global.
Link ->
I saw an exhibit on this in Europe this summer and I was *surprised?* to see that these rights had been granted to women dozens if not a hundred years earlier in less *progressive* countries.
Good grief! Now I want to look up other countries to see when they began looking (read: casually glancing) at the patriarchy of culture. Frack.
Just a great summary. But also shows that women have faced tremendous discrimination—all within my lifetime!
I write about women, maybe most of the time:https://federicosotodelalba.substack.com/p/comments-on-why-arent-more-men-talking?r=4up0lp
ty for this!!!
Great post, Aubrey! Serious food for thought. And we're still in the dark ages.....
This is absolutely genius. I will share widely!
Not sure if it was state or federal law, but there were certain hours that women weren’t allowed to work, at least in South Carolina, thus effectively excluding them from certain jobs.