Great guide. Thank you, Aubrey. What a time we live in. Our mothers and grandmothers must be turning over in their graves.

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I think about it all the time :/

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Truly excellent and thoughtful resource, Aubrey!! And so very well done - informative and artistic. Outstanding!!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Thanks for reading!

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Thank you, this is awesome! You are awesome!

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Thanks so much! :)

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Don't have sex with anyone you wouldn't have a child with.

99% of abortion drama: solved.

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"reproductive freedom" is a lie. You are free to reproduce.

You should be locked up for killing your unborn offspring though.

Just call it what it is!

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This is by far the BEST guide for protecting the women’s healthcare/abortion issue in these states. Often times the wording by Republicans is such to slightly confuse a voter… so this makes it perfectly clear!

Good luck to all the women voters in the country for victory this year!!

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Pro-Birth, Anti-Life: The GOP's Child Welfare Hypocrisy

From anti-abortion crusades to shrugging at child care—because who needs health care or food, right?


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Montana also has an abortion initiative to vote on this time: https://ballotpedia.org/Montana_CI-128,_Right_to_Abortion_Initiative_(2024)

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Art for a cause! Keep at it.

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Very cool, thanks! Sharing this with my women's, gender and sexuality studies students.

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