Holy crow. I just read part of the VOX article. Need to take break. Thank you so much for sharing your skill and dedication to 'tough' subjects. People need to know this stuff. All of it.

Thank you.

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Thank you!

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This is a great project! Congratulations and I hope that it can begin some serious conversations and shift the focus from what's lost to what's gained with age, as you mentinoned.

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Same! Thank you!

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Fantastic work, Aubrey. And a valuable project. I wish its reach was global!

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Thank you! And me too!

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Love it. This needs to be amplified.

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You have done NY…nay, the PLANET a great service in this installation and in your vision as an artist and advocate. You inspire me to be a better person. Sign me, Looking Down the Barrel of 60.

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Thank you so much!

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Well, that escalated quickly! Meaning that I, within minutes, signed up for a course with Crucial Comix at your suggestion. Congrats on the exhibition! It is wonderful to see your work featured in this format and while I probably won't get to visit in person, I appreciate being able to marvel at it from afar. Your contributions to these big conversations are tremendously impactful and I try to share them as widely as I possibly can.

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Yay! That's great! I'm sure it will be awesome!

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As a genuine old fuck, thank you for this!

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Haha! you're welcome!

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YAY❣️ Thank you to you from this 73-year old.

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Love this! Thanks for shining a light on this issue.

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Thank you!

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These are wonderful! I love them, so much. Is there anywhere I can view them online? I'm not traveling now so that's my go to place for art. At 82, I have been experiencing ageism and invisibility for awhile, and it's not fun. I combat invisibility with a forceful voice and tough talk when I'm spoken to in that hideous "Elderspeak". And I write here about aging, health, invisibility, etc. and I'm starting a memoir. More Elderwomen are speaking up and showing up here, and I am all in. Again, thank you so much for voicing what needs to be said.

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Yes! You can see images of all the windows and see full citations here: https://www.nyu.edu/life/campus-resources/kimmel-center/kimmel-galleries/exhibitions/current/Bibliography.html

Love that you're finding ways to fight back!

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Thanks so much for posting the link. I plan to share it with my amazing group of women friends.

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Thanks, Beverley!

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Thank you‼️

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I love this exhibit and I'll gladly pay you for your work as soon as I get a job...however, as a woman of a certain age, i'm experiencing ageism in my job search. Sigh.

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Ugh. I'm so sorry!

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Well thanks. It's depressing.

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I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I've been self-employed for 20 years as a Coach, and now a Mentor and I'm still struggling. However, I am a stubborn Elderwoman of 82 and I won't give up.

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Congratulations! Can you bring your work to the San Francisco Bay Area? We’d love to have you.

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I would love to!

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Same for LA which is...*natch* a city that needs to hear this message.

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